HRMS Help > Reporting Tool > EEO-5 Reports > EEO-5 Error

User Roles: Any user with Reporting Tool installed on PC
Last Updated: Jul 16, 2012 7:04 am


The EEO-5 Error Report is used to clean up data in preparation for the EEO-5 Summary Report.

The report provides details about error conditions for employees, positions, and assignments that need to be addressed prior to running the Summary Report.

EEO-5 Error Messages and Tips

Error/Warning Message
Explanation and Tips
EEO-5 Classification Code is missing
The position has no value for EEO-5 Reporting Classification.
  • Fix: Edit the position and select a valid EEO-5 Reporting Classification on the Edit Position form.
Employee has locally-defined Employee Status
The employee's Employment Status is locally defined, and the system cannot determine whether the employee is full-time or part-time.
  • Fix: If the employee should be included on the EEO-5 Report, go to the Edit Assignment form and select one of the full-time Employment Statuses listed on the EEO-5 Reports help topic.
Employee has more than one Primary Position
The employee has two or more primary assignments active on the 'Assignments Active On' Date entered. Employees should have only one primary assignment at a time.
  • Fix: Change the Primary Assignment indicator on one (or more) of the employee's assignments on the Edit Assignment form.
Ethnic Code Not Found for Employee
The employee has no values selected for Hispanic/Latino or Race in HRMS.
  • Fix: Select values for Hispanic/Latino and Race for the employee on the Employee Demographics page.
Gender Code Not Found for Employee
The employee has no value for gender in HRMS.
  • Fix: Select a gender for the employee on the Employee Demographics page.
No Primary HRMS Position Assignment for Employee
The employee has a full-time or part-time Employment Status, but has no primary assignments active on the 'Assignments Active On' date entered.
  • Fix: If the employee should be included on the EEO-5 Report, assign the employee to a position (and ensure the position has the correct EEO-5 classification).
Position Payment Method not S or H
The position has a payment method of 'F' (Flat Dollar) rather than 'S' or 'H' (Salaried or Hourly). Flat Dollar positions should not be included on the EEO-5 Reports.
  • Fix: Edit the position and change the EEO-5 Reporting Classification to 'Do not report.'

Sample Report

Sample of EEO-5 Error Report