HRMS Help > Reporting Tool > SS-300 Reports > SS-300 Error

User Roles: Any user with Reporting Tool installed on PC
Last Updated: Jan 18, 2024 4:17 pm


The SS-300 Error Report is used to clean up data in preparation for the SS-300 Summary Report (aka Local Salary Supplement Report) that is submitted to DPI each October.

The report provides details about error conditions for employees, positions, assignments, and budget codes that need to be addressed prior to running the SS-300 Summary Report.

See also: SS-300 Instructions

SS-300 Error Messages and Tips

Error / Warning Message
Explanation and Tips
Cannot calculate supplement because Employee’s
Hours Employed missing from the HRMS assignment record
This position has an active matching supplement budget code in payroll with a payment method of ‘H’ (Hourly), but the Hours Employed on the HRMS assignment is either missing or invalid.
HRMS needs a valid Hours Employed on the HRMS assignment in order to compute Percent Employed for this assignment, since it cannot extract Hours Employed from payroll files.
  • Fix: Log on to the HRMS Edit Assignment form and enter the Hours Employed for the assignment.
Cannot calculate supplement because HRMS
Additional Pay record has neither flat dollar amount nor Salary Schedule
The program has selected an Additional Pay assignment budget code from HRMS for this position where the Supplement Indicator = Yes, but the record has neither a flat dollar amount entered nor a valid Salary Schedule.
HRMS cannot calculate a supplement amount for this budget code.
  • Fix: Log on to the HRMS Edit Assignment form, and select the Additional Pay budget code that contains the error.
    Enter either a valid flat dollar amount or a valid Salary Schedule/Grade/Step for this budget code.
Cannot calculate supplement because
Months Employed Missing or Invalid
This position has an active matching supplement budget code in payroll, but the Months Employed is missing or invalid. HRMS needs a valid Months Employed in order to compute the supplement amount for this assignment.
  • Fix for Sartox LEAs: Months Employed is taken directly from the Months Employed in the payroll assignment record.
    Work with your payroll staff to correct the Months Employed on the payroll assignment record.
  • Fix for LINQ/ISIS LEAs: Months Employed is taken from the Term field in the HRMS Position record.
    Log on to the HRMS Edit Position form and enter a valid Term for this position.
Cannot calculate supplement because
Pay Amount Missing for Payroll Assignment
This position has an active matching supplement budget code in payroll, but the salary amount is missing or invalid.
HRMS needs a valid salary amount in order to compute the supplement amount for this assignment.
  • Fix for Sartox LEAs: For Salaried employees, if the Step on the payroll assignment is blank, the salary amount is taken from the Beginning Gross field.
    For Hourly employees, if the Step on the payroll assignment is blank, the salary amount is taken from the Hourly Rate field.
    If the Step is not blank, the program uses the Salary Schedule, Grade & Step to look up the salary amount in your pay tables.
    Work with your payroll staff to correct the Salary Schedule/Grade/Step (if the salary amount is stored in a salary schedule); or enter the Payline Gross (for a Salaried employee) or the Hourly Rate (for an Hourly employee) if the salary amount is not stored in a salary schedule.
  • Fix for LINQ/ISIS LEAs: The program uses the Salary Schedule (Assignment ID), Grade & Step to look up the salary amount in your pay tables.
    Work with your payroll staff to look up this payroll assignment and modify the Salary Schedule/Grade/Step, or correct the salary amount in the pay table for the existing Salary Schedule/Grade/Step.
Cannot calculate supplement because
Salaried Employee’s Percent Employed missing from payroll assignment record
This position has an active matching supplement budget code in payroll with a payment method of ‘S’ (Salaried), but the Percent Employed on that budget code is either missing or invalid.
  • Fix: Work with your payroll staff to enter a valid Percent Employed on this payroll assignment record.
Cannot calculate supplement because
Salary Schedule/Grade/Step and Flat Dollar Amount both entered on Additional Pay budget code.
This position has a matching Additional Pay assignment budget code in HRMS, but that record contains both a valid Salary Schedule/Grade/Step combination and a Flat Dollar Amount.
HRMS cannot calculate the supplement amount because it does not know whether the intention was for the supplement to be entered as a Salary Schedule/Grade/Step, or as a Flat Dollar Amount.
  • Fix: Log on to the HRMS Edit Assignment form and remove either the Salary Schedule/Grade/Step or the Flat Dollar Amount, so that only one or the other is included.
Cannot calculate Supplement because
Salary Schedule/ Grade/Step on HRMS Additional Pay record not found in Pay Table
This position has a matching HRMS Additional Pay assignment budget code, but the Salary Schedule/Grade/Step combination for this budget code is invalid.
  • Fix: Log on to the HRMS Edit Assignment form and enter a valid Salary Schedule/Grade/Step combination for this budget code.
Cannot calculate Supplement because
Supplement Amount in Pay Table is 0 or invalid
This position has a matching HRMS Additional Pay assignment budget code, but the salary amount in the pay table for the Salary Schedule/Grade/Step entered is zero.
  • Fix: Check the pay table for the designated Salary Schedule, Grade & Step, and enter a valid salary amount.
Cannot calculate supplement because
Term invalid on HRMS Position Record
This position has a matching Additional Pay assignment budget code in HRMS, but the Term on this position in HRMS is invalid.
  • Fix: Log on to the HRMS Edit Position form and enter a valid Term for this position.
HRMS Position has invalid SS-300 Reporting Class
This position contains an SS-300 Reporting Class that is not a valid value.
  • Fix: Log on to the HRMS Edit Position form and select a valid SS-300 Reporting Class for this position.
Payroll Supplement has unsupported
Payment Method and no valid HRMS Additional Pay record exists
This position has an active matching supplement budget code in payroll but the Payment Method on that assignment is not
‘S’ (Salaried) or ‘H’ (Hourly), and the position does not have a valid HRMS Additional Pay assignment budget code either.
  • Fix: Change the Payment Method on the payroll assignment to either ‘S’ or ‘H’.
    If those are not applicable pay methods for this assignment, you may opt to enter the supplement budget code in HRMS as an Additional Pay Assignment Budget Code instead.
Position Not Assigned to SS-300 Reporting Class
This position contains a blank in the SS-300 Reporting Class, indicating that it has not yet been assigned an SS-300 Reporting Class.
  • Fix: Log on to the HRMS Edit Position form and select the correct SS-300 Reporting Class for this position.
Supplement cannot be calculated because
Hours Employed missing from HRMS Additional Pay record
This position has a matching Additional Pay assignment budget code in HRMS with a payment method of ‘H’ (Hourly), but the Hours Employed on the Additional Pay assignment budget code is missing or invalid.
HRMS needs a valid Hours Employed on the Additional Pay budget code in order to compute the Percent Employed and the supplement amount.
  • Fix: Log on to the HRMS Edit Assignment form and enter the Hours Employed on this Additional Pay assignment budget code.
Supplement cannot be calculated because
Salaried Employee’s Percent Employed Missing from Additional Pay record
This position has a matching Additional Pay assignment budget code in HRMS with a payment method of ‘S’ (Salaried),
but the Percent Employed on the Additional Pay assignment budget code is missing or invalid.
HRMS needs a valid Percent Employed on the Additional Pay budget code in order to compute the correct supplement amount (unless the supplement amount has been entered as a flat dollar amount).
  • Fix: Log on to the HRMS Edit Assignment form and correct the Percent Employed on this Additional Pay assignment budget code.
Supplement cannot be calculated for budget codes with this pay frequency
This position has an active matching supplement budget code in payroll, or a matching Additional Pay budget code in HRMS,
but the pay frequency is a value other than M, S or A (Monthly, Semi-Monthly, or Annual).
HRMS cannot calculate the supplement amount for assignments with any other pay frequencies.
  • Fix for Payroll Supplement: You can enter the supplement as an Additional Pay budget code in HRMS with a flat dollar amount.
  • Fix for HRMS Additional Pay Budget Code in HRMS with a Flat Dollar Amount: Either alter the assignment budget code to reflect a pay frequency of M, S or A,
    or remove the Salary Schedule/Grade/Step and enter the supplement using a flat dollar amount instead.
Warning – Position flagged for SS-300 but assignment has no
Additional Pay records in HRMS and no Supplements in Payroll
This position was assigned a valid SS-300 reporting class, but does not have any matching active payroll assignment records for
this person/position with a supplement object code (181, 187 or 192—excluding Purpose 54XX and 69XX), nor any HRMS Assignment Additional Pay budget codes.
  • This is not an error but rather a warning, so the program will include the position on the report.
    This position will count it in the Total Position Count within the appropriate reporting class, but no supplement amounts for this position can be calculated.
Warning – Position has Supplement in Payroll and Additional Pay record in HRMS
This position has been selected for processing and HRMS found both valid payroll assignments and valid Additional Pay records in HRMS.
This warning message is issued to alert the LEAs that they should check to ensure that budget codes (and supplements) have not been duplicated between
their Payroll and HRMS systems, which could result in doubling of supplement amounts computed.
  • This is not an error but rather a warning, so the program will continue to include the position.
    Check to ensure that the supplement(s) recorded in payroll are not duplicated in HRMS Additional Pay assignment records.

Sample Report

Sample ss-300 error report