HRMS Help> Web Reports > Substitute Web Reports

User Roles: Hiring Agent, System Administrator, Finance Officer
Last Updated: Aug 6, 2012 11:26 am

The following HRMS Web Reports provide useful information about substitutes:

000002 - Substitutes By Subject

The purpose of this report is to provide a list of LEA substitutes by subject.

In order to generate a list by subject, enter a subject's first letter, word, or part of the word in the substitutes subject field or leave the field blank to generate a list of all substitutes.
Click Submit.

The results will be sorted by substitute subject and then by site (if a site is entered for the individual).

000125 - Substitute Error Report

The purpose of this report is to provide a list of LEA substitutes that may potentially have incomplete or inaccurate substitute data.

Below is a list of possible errors.